Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vanilla Twilight

Thanks to one of my dearest friends, I now know of the existence of Owl City. How we didn't know about him before, we are unsure. But we spent some time learning about all things Owl City, Fireflies, and Adam Young. We're big fans.

I appreciate lyrical geniuses. So Adam Young is on the top of my list. He sits very close to Adam Bird. Aside from Fireflies, other favorites include Hello Seattle and Vanilla Twilight.

He makes happy music. All you can do is smile.
And he's into puns.

soak it up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oh! the possibilities...

I realized today that being a grown up is fast approaching. Faster than I realized. So now, as is my nature, I have more questions that I previously did. oy vay...

It's 11:44 pm CDT and I am very ready for bed (minus having blow dried my hairs) and all I want is answers. How human. So I've written the questions to which I desire answers to down in my notebook. And what's so great is that God already knows them. Even better, he knows the answers. So, if the answers could somehow be revealed in his ever-loving way, that would be greatly appreciated. However, the anticipation of answers will get me no where. It is how I grow as I wait for his gentle voice that will stand the test of time. So, let me grow.

How apropos the Lord is...even in chapel :o) . Pastor John talked about how our relationship with God is more important than doing things for God. John 15. I love John 15. When I don't know what's going on, He does. Because he is the Vine. And I'm in a place of pruning. These things are finally making sense and those things are coming into view. So I am pruned. And I grow. And I wait.

And oh, what possibilities there are!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

all in good time.

I am in a place of waiting. And wondering.

God is getting ready to do something inside of me, but I don't know what it is. He's pointed out the things that need to be addressed, and I have surrendered them over. Now I am just a pot - wanting God to pour into me all he has. I'm ready to burst.

I don't know what's going to happen, I'm just waiting. Though it is not my favorite place to be, I've learned to be content in my waiting. In the waiting, God is moving. It really is an amazing place to be. So I wait.

"For still the vision awaits its appointed time;
it hastens to the end—it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it;
it will surely come; it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3

He is a good God. So I will be content as I wait - knowing He is in control.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Comeback Kid

The blog is back.

I'm happy.

I hope you are too!!